Monday, October 22, 2007

Excursion to Laguna Beach

While my parents were in town we took several little side-trips or excursions to not-so-far-away destinations that Kyra and I had been to in the passed and enjoyed. One such trip involved a drive down the Pacific coast to a village known for its scenic views, million-dollar real estate, and arts and crafts: Laguna Beach. The day couldn't have been nicer as the sun combined with a light breeze made for a beautiful day.

We strolled along the beach (mom
even collected a few sea shells), self-guided ourselves on a tour of the sheik and trendy beach front hotel and resort, the Montage, and just enjoyed the day together.

We had dinner at a great little place on Forest Avenue in downtown called Pomodoro. They had great food and good-sized portions as well.

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