Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Ryan Hall Story - Olympic Hopeful

I first heard about Ryan Hall a few months ago in a Runner's World article where he spoke about breaking the long-standing American Half Marathon record in a blistering 59 minutes 43 seconds.

It was obvious from the article that Ryan was not only one of the fastest distance runners in the world, but also a stand-up guy in all respects.

The day before the New York City Marathon, November 3, 2007, the Olympic Marathon Trials were held in Central Park and Ryan broke away at 16 miles, running the second half in 1:02:45 to cross the line in a stunning 2:09:02 and win the race, qualifying for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.

Ryan, 25, lives and trains in Mammoth Lakes, CA (where Kyra's family has a condo).

Below is a very inspirational video about Ryan's faith and motivation for running. Its one of the more powerful messages I've seen lately and will definitely stay with me for a long time (and the run splits aren't too bad either)! Enjoy!

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