Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturday Palos Verdes Ride

Most Saturdays I wake up around 6AM to make the 25 minute drive north to the Palos Verdes Peninsula where a group of LA Tri Club members meet at Malaga Cove. At 7:30AM we leave for a 22 mile loop (and normally more) around beautiful Palos Verdes. Normally there are 8 - 10 riders, but this morning there were just five us. The ride started out very cold as my car thermometer was reading just 48 degrees, but it quickly warmed to the low-60's and I had to shed some layers to keep from overheating. It was a clear sunny day so I decided to bring the camera along and shoot some photos along the route.

As part of the route we ride along the Pacific Ocean and pass the Trump National Golf Club which is a beautiful course right along the coast.

Its a truly a beautiful ride and the camaraderie and breathtaking views (not to mention the exercise) are a great way to start any weekend .

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Our Little Chubster

So we've always known that Liya was a good eater. She feeds about six times a day and is very efficient at it. Well at her eight week checkup the doctor informed us that she's in the 75 percentile for height (she's quite tall) and...the 95 percentile for weight (she's a chubby little baby). Of course the doctor said this was a good thing and is characteristic of breast-fed babies. We think its absolutely adorable and are so thankful that she's healthy. Here's a photo of our little chubster!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Ryan Hall Story - Olympic Hopeful

I first heard about Ryan Hall a few months ago in a Runner's World article where he spoke about breaking the long-standing American Half Marathon record in a blistering 59 minutes 43 seconds.

It was obvious from the article that Ryan was not only one of the fastest distance runners in the world, but also a stand-up guy in all respects.

The day before the New York City Marathon, November 3, 2007, the Olympic Marathon Trials were held in Central Park and Ryan broke away at 16 miles, running the second half in 1:02:45 to cross the line in a stunning 2:09:02 and win the race, qualifying for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.

Ryan, 25, lives and trains in Mammoth Lakes, CA (where Kyra's family has a condo).

Below is a very inspirational video about Ryan's faith and motivation for running. Its one of the more powerful messages I've seen lately and will definitely stay with me for a long time (and the run splits aren't too bad either)! Enjoy!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Excursion to Laguna Beach

While my parents were in town we took several little side-trips or excursions to not-so-far-away destinations that Kyra and I had been to in the passed and enjoyed. One such trip involved a drive down the Pacific coast to a village known for its scenic views, million-dollar real estate, and arts and crafts: Laguna Beach. The day couldn't have been nicer as the sun combined with a light breeze made for a beautiful day.

We strolled along the beach (mom
even collected a few sea shells), self-guided ourselves on a tour of the sheik and trendy beach front hotel and resort, the Montage, and just enjoyed the day together.

We had dinner at a great little place on Forest Avenue in downtown called Pomodoro. They had great food and good-sized portions as well.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Grandpa & Grandma Meet Liya

My parents arrived this week from Michigan. Liya is their first grandchild and as you might expect they were a little more than excited to meet our little cutie pie. Liya seems to love my mom and of course my mom has an amazing knack for calming Liya which is so beautiful to see in action.

Here's a photo of them with Liya. And one of my mom working her magic!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Liya Ren Gilbert

Liya Ren Gilbert was born on September 7, 2007 to the proudest parents in the world. Here are a handful of photos from her first few days in her new world.

Mom and I preparing to leave St. Joseph's hospital

Liya just chillin'

Relaxing in the papasan!

Visiting with Grandpa and Grandma Watari

Liya and Kyra at home

First time...

First time blogging. I'm not sure what to expect as this is all new to me, but for whatever reason I thought it would be interesting to chronicle, here on the web, the ups, downs, and everyday happenings of my life.

I feel so blessed to be living this life. I have an amazing beautiful loving wife, a cute healthy new daughter, and am fortunate that I can strike a balance between work and life.

Triathlon is my personal outlet. It provides a forum for my competitive spirit, motivates me to stay in shape, and has allowed me to meet some great people over the past several years.

Stay tuned for more...