Saturday, August 2, 2008


In tough conditions at the 2008 Full Vineman consisting of 100+ degree heat index and 20+ mph winds, I had an awesome Ironman debut finishing in 10 hours 54 minutes which was good enough for 14th overall (out of 453 athletes) and 3rd in the Mens 30 - 34 age group. My goal for the race was just to finish and I thought if I really put it together I could go sub-12 hours. What a shock to find myself 4.5 miles from the finish looking at going sub-11! I really dialed in my pacing strategy, particularly on the bike, and nailed my nutrition which kept me in the hunt down the stretch.

A huge thanks goes out to my beautiful wife and daughter for putting up with 6-months of early mornings and lots of long training days. I couldn't have done it without their support. I also want to send a shout out to the guys at Endurance Nation who's guidance I used to prepare for this race and all my "virtual friends" at Slowtwitch for all their sound advice over the past 4 years.

More to come, but first some rest!


Rich Strauss said...

Hey Fred,

Great race and thanks for the props. Looking forward to your race report and let's try to get together for a ride sometime. I'm riding down to LB with PTC this coming Saturday, if you feel like jumping in for a few short, easy miles.

Unknown said...

Awesome race. Your hard work paid off.
I love you, Mom