Monday, July 7, 2008

Ironman Training...4 Weeks 'Til Race Day!

On August 2nd I'll be attempting my first Ironman triathlon. The 19th Annual Full Vineman, located in Sonoma County, California (wine country!) is one of the longest running iron-distance races in the country. I've been training exclusively for this race since early May (after completing the Wildflower Half Ironman). To date my training has been going fairly well thanks to the guidance of Endurance Nation, my online coaching service that provides my training plan. Last week I was on vacation in Michigan visiting my parents and had some quality time to hit the training hard. It was my biggest training week yet with 9 workouts totaling 17 hours and 46 minutes of total training time:
  • Swim 1:31 (5310.87 m)
  • Bike 12:57 (230.4 miles)
  • Run 3:10 (21.8 miles)
I've been fortunate to remain injury free and have a wife that supports my crazy addiction to this amazing sport that allows average Joes like myself to see how far they can go. So in less than 4 weeks the rubber will meet the road and we'll see what happens.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Grandma H's 87th Birthday

After a long day of travel from LA we finally arrived at Coldwater Lake, MI early Saturday morning for a week long visit with my parents. The first item on the agenda was Grandma H's 87th birthday party which my mom was hosting.

It was great to see grandma, aunts and uncles, cousins, second cousins and so on (this family just keeps growing and its been awhile since we've seen them). Everyone was thrilled to finally see Liya and I enjoyed jet skiing and playing in the water with the kids. Below are some photos from the big day.