Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye Bye 2009, Hello 2010!

So if 2009 is gone, that means it's 2010? Really!? Wow, it seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the passing of 1999 and the new millennium...hard to believe another decade has gone by. Whew!

Reflecting on 2009 I'm reminded of how blessed I am to have my health and the wonderful family that supports me in all that I do. For me, the year was filled with great memories too numerous too mention, but a few of the highlights include: watching Liya develop into the little girl that she is (at only 27 months...gulp!), completing Ironman Canada with Kyra, Liya, and my mom and dad cheering me on, and spending a long beautiful week with my girls in Hawaii. Great memories of a really good year!

Triathlon has been my "fix" for the past six years and it's also become the subject of most of this blog. It's my opportunity to get outdoors, push myself physically, and spend time with friends. Kyra can't believe I don't run or bike with my iPod, but I also find the long runs and rides a great time to mentally unwind or work through life's challenges. I'm just so fortunate that my family allows me to do what I do.

For the past couple of years I've been keeping a training log and while I don't go back and look at my workouts much during the year, I like to take a peek at what I've done at the conclusion of each year. This year's totals are below.

Swim: 138,404yds 44.50hrs
Bike: 4,539.2mi 246.31hrs
Run: 1,041.4mi 130.42hrs
Total: 5,659.3mi 422.05hrs

I'm not doing an Ironman in 2010, but am hoping to put in more miles on the bike in the new year. So far the race schedule is shaping up as follows: Surf City Half Marathon, Ironman California 70.3, Wildflower Long Course, Centurion California 25mi time trial + 100mi bike race, and Magic Mountain Man Half Ironman Triathlon. Throw in a couple of long weekend training camps and it should be a fun long season of California racing in 2010!