Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ironman 70.3 California Race Report

After 5 previous attempts on 4 different courses, I finally went sub-5 in a HIM...barely, but I'll still take it: 4:59:33! That's a HIM PR for me and almost 15 minutes faster than last year on the same course.

This race was a "B" race for me and as such I only tapered for one week going into it as I wanted to get in a solid training weekend the week prior.

Swim: 32:18 (1:42/100m)
A little faster than I expected given I'm just getting back into swim shape.

T1: 3:28

Bike: 2:46:42 (20.2 mph)
First time racing with power and it was awesome! I chatted with Rich on Friday at the expo and he suggested I target 82 - 83% of FTP or 219w. I mostly just sat on this number and tried to stay under FTP on the hills. IF was .852 so a little harder than plan. Right after I went by Coach Rich who was chillin' at the side of the road on the moto at mile 44, I had my first flat in a race. The front just popped out of nowhere. I only had one tube, so was extra cautious which cost me 5:13 (note to self to practice doing this FAST!). Needless to say I took some of my frustration out on the road as I headed back into transition.
Duration: 2:41:29 (2:46:17)
Work: 2109 kJ
TSS: 195.1 (intensity factor 0.852)
Norm Power: 226
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: -4.59%
Pa:HR: 3.66%
Distance: 56.242 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 762 218 watts
Heart Rate: 116 180 159 bpm
Cadence: 36 188 84 rpm
Speed: 3.1 40.5 21.0 mph
Pace 1:29 19:19 2:52 min/mi

T2: 1:58

Run: 1:35:07 (7:15/mile)
Leaving transition, I did the math in my head and knew I'd have to fully empty the tanks and have my best HIM run ever to get in under 5hrs. I felt strong so set out on a 7:00 pace which was fine until the sand...not only was it hard to run on, but the lanes were narrow so it was difficult to get around slower folks. I got into a rhythm and was motivated by the fact I was passing lots of peeps and getting some shout outs from fellow LA Tri Clubbers. I also ran into fellow Endurance Nation teammate Steve Cramer who was looking good on his second lap. Around mile 8 my quad started to cramp. I didn't want to stop and stretch so instead exaggerated my run movement in order to actively stretch my quad. This and a banana or two seemed to put the cramp at bay, but was a concern for the rest of the race. At mile 10 I really began to suffer. My watch read 4:36 and I wasn't sure if I had 3 sub-8 minute miles left in me.
My grandfather passed away on Wednesday and instead of flying back to Ohio for his funeral I was doing this race, just as he would have wanted. As such, I dug as deep as I ever have and just kicked it to the finish line hoping it'd be enough. After I crossed the line I checked my watch.

I made it...barely, but I made it. Sub-5 hours baby!