Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update, Thoughts on Fatherhood, and Belated Halloween Photos

Long time since any blog action. I never thought I'd say this, but this crazy social networking website called Facebook,that I never thought would be worthwhile is actually pretty slick for sharing updates, photos, etc so it might make this blog thing obsolete in the coming months...we'll just have to see :)

Liya continues to be an absolutely amazing child who has brought such joy to Kyra and I. Her personality shines through more and more every single day. She can be feisty when she doesn't her way or something doesn't work the way it did the day before (like when we finally installed child safety locks on the kitchen cabinets and she couldn't figure out how to open them), she has a tender heart (as evidenced by her big hugs and cute open mouth kisses), and she loves to tease (like when she pretends to want to go to Grandpa Watari only to pull back at the last minute as she let's out those adorable little giggles).

I never thought fatherhood could be such a rewarding experience. Of course I'll probably be singing a different tune when she's 13 or 16, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there!

What's a post without some pics, so besides the one above, below are some ones from Halloween. The neat part is Liya is actually starting to "get it"!